Updated: 14/10/2022



Reinforce Effectiveness of National Asylum Procedures in Compliance with International Standards and National Legislation

Improving the Control Capacity of DG Customs Enforcement

Supporting the Institutional Capacity of DGPA's National Coordination and Joint Risk Analysis Centre (NACORAC)


Supporting Removal Centres' Capacities and Fostering Alternatives to Administrative Detention

Supporting DGMM in the Management, Reception and Hosting of Irregular Migrants

Enhancing the Capacity of Turkish Coast Guard Command (Supply of Control Boats)

Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Council of Ethics for Public Officials (CEPO)

Increasing Border Surveillance Capacity at Türkiye's Eastern and Western Borders Phase III

Drafting of a National IBM Strategy and Updating of the “National Action Plan to Implement Türkiye's IBM Strategy” 


Protecting Victims of Human Trafficking Phase II


Strengthening the Capacity of Turkish Forensic Laboratories in Combating Illicit Drug Trafficking

Enhancing Capacities of Turkish National Police and other law enforcement agencies in Detection of Forgery in Travel Documents and Risk Analysis

Increasing Border Surveillance Capacity at Türkiye's South Eastern Borders

Demining and Increasing the Border Surveillance Capacity at the Eastern Borders of Türkiye- Phase 3

Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration of Irregular Migrants in Türkiye (AVRR)

Supply of Removal Centers for the Effective Implementation of the EU-Türkiye Readmission Agreement


Strengthening the Data Collection Capacity of Turkish National Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drugs Addiction (TUBIM)

Improving the Detection Capacity of Turkish Customs Enforcement

Second Generation Turkish e-Passport

Increasing Border Surveillance Capacity on Türkiye's Eastern and Western Borders Phase 

Construction of Removal Centers for the Effective Implementation of the EU-Türkiye Readmission Agreement

Enhancing the Capacity of Turkish Coast Guard Command on Fighting against Irregular Immigration and Organised Crime by Sea


Establishment of NACORAC and Development of Integrated Border Management Integrated Database

Refurbishment and Maintenance of Removal Centers

Capacity Building for Effective Nationality Determination

Cooperation with Civil Society in the Field of Migration and International Protection

Techical Assistance on Migration and International Protection Matters - Promoting Public Awareness

Increasing Border Surveillance Capacity of Borders between Türkiye and EU – Phase II

Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration of Irregular Migrants in Türkiye (AVRR)

Strengthening Customs Enforcement Capacity












Updated: 14/10/2022 / Hit: 7,280