Updated: 15/11/2022

Türkiye’s National Action Plan for the EU Accession (2021-2023)

Türkiye’s National Action Plan for the EU Accession (NAP) was updated to cover the years 2021-2023.

The NAP was prepared under the coordination of Directorate for EU Affairs with the contribution of all related public institutions. The NAP serves as a crucial roadmap for increasing Türkiye’s EU acquis alignment, making further progress in all negotiation chapters, which will let swift opening of them when the political obstacles are lifted, as well as increasing our international competitiveness by raising the standards in all areas.

The NAP, which is the solid expression of Türkiye’s determination in the EU accession process, covers both legislative and institutional/administrative measures.  The NAP envisages 204 legal arrangements and 126 administrative measures that will be enacted in order to harmonize with the EU acquis.

During the preparations of the NAP, different from the previous years, in addition to the relevant EU acquis Türkiye’s other national plans and programmes such as the 11th Development Plan, the 180-day Action Plan of the Presidency of Türkiye, and the Judicial Reform Strategy were also taken into consideration.

Please click here for National Action Plan (NAP).

Updated: 15/11/2022 / Hit: 25,025