Updated: 22/01/2024

10) Digital Transformation and Media

Content of Chapter

The internet and digital technologies has been changing our World rapidly every passing day.  For that reason, the European Commission is determined to harmonise the EU Single Market with digital era. The acquis regarding digital transformation  is under the Information Society and Media - Chapter 10 for all EU candidate countries.

The objective of the acquis for Information Society is to ensure liberalization of electronic communications services and networks, to eliminate barriers for the effective functioning of the single market and to create modern services that will be available universally. The second component of the chapter, the acquis in the field of media, aims to ensure the free movement of audiovisual media services within the EU.

In this context, in order to maximise the benefits of digital economy, the European Union initiated a process that stemmed from the information society objective in the Lisbon Strategy in the early 2000s and then which was turned into digital agenda target within the scope of the Europe 2020 Strategy.

Studies aiming to create a Digital Single Market, which is among the top 10 priorities of the Commission for the period 2014-2019 announced by the European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker at the General Assembly of the European Parliament on 15 July 2014, is coordinated by the General Directorate of Communication Networks, Content and Technology.

The Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe, which was started to be implemented by the COM (2015) Commission Communiqué No. 192 published on 6 May 2015, aims to create a single market for 28 national digital markets, which are mainly scattered across Europe due to various regulatory barriers and conditions..

Information Society and Media Chapter was opened to negotiations in 19 December 2008 during French EU Presidency.

In addition to the benchmark regarding the Additional Protocol, 5 closing benchmarks are notified for the provisional closure of the negotiations.

Closing Benchmarks

  1. Türkiye completes the legislative alignment with the acquis on electronic communications, in particular on universal service, consumer rights and spectrum management (including harmonisation of radiofrequency allocation), and with the acquis on information society services.
  2. Türkiye secures implementation of competitive safeguard measures against operators with significant market power following market analyses, and the general authorisation regime in line with the acquis. In particular, Türkiye provides a track record of the enforcement of the rights of new entrants on the electronic communications market.
  3. Türkiye ensures sufficient administrative capacity to enforce the acquis in the field of electronic communications, as well as the transparency, predictability and independence of the telecommunications regulator.
  4. Türkiye adopts legislation aimed at transposing the acquis in the field of audiovisual policy, notably the Audiovisual Media Services Directive, including measures to ensure that the national legal framework complies with the principle of freedom of reception and retransmission of television broadcasts.
  5. Türkiye completes a public consultation with the relevant stakeholders as regards the impact of the measures adopted in view of enhancing the transparency of the audiovisual regulatory process and the independence of the competent regulatory body, and reflects the findings as appropriate.

Progress Achieved

  • Law No. 5369 on the Provision of Universal Service, Law No. 5809 on Electronic Communications and Law No. 6563 on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce entered into force (secondary regulations are expected to be completed).
  • A Protocol was signed between the Information and Communication Technologies Authority and the Competition Authority in 2011 to ensure cooperation in the field of competition protection.
  • Law No. 6112, which introduced measures in line with EU legislation (EU Audio-Visual Media Services Directive), was published in the Official Gazette dated 3 March 2011 with the number of 27863 and entered into force.
  • Decisions taken by the Supreme Council of Radio and Television are being published on the internet for transparency.

Regarding accession negotiations, the relevant institutions are the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, the Information and Communication Technologies Authority (BTK) and the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK).

Related DG in the European Commission

For detailed information about DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology:


For detailed information about Information Society:


For detailed information about Digital Single Market: 





Updated: 22/01/2024 / Hit: 98,822