Updated: 15/11/2022

2) Free Movement of Workers

Content of Chapter

The free movement of workers concept means the free circulation of labour like other economic factors in EU single market without any barrier. The free movement of workers is one of the fundamental principles guaranteed by the European Union.

Legislation under this chapter arranges EU citizen’s right to work for a job in another Member State without being subject to nationality-based discrimination on the subject of working conditions, social aids and taxation.

This working right includes seeking employment, residing and staying with family members in another member states. Under this title, social security coordination system has been developed for continuation of social security rights of EU citizens in case of migration of Union citizens and their family members to another member state.

The principle of free movement dates back to the foundation of the Community. When it was initially introduced, it is aimed to open Europe’s labour markets to migrant workers and their families. Nevertheless, this right was extended and now it covers all categories of citizens. Today, Union citizens can move freely within Member States and they can study, work or retire in another Member State.

For Free Movement of Workers Chapter, explanatory screening meeting was held on 19 July 2006, bilateral screening meeting was held on 11 September 2006. The Screening Report has not been officially transmitted to Türkiye yet.

Progress Achieved

Owing to the fact that the Screening Report of the Chapter has not been officially transmitted, studies for this chapter are at an early stage. 

In the context of “the Project for Capacity Building of Social Security Institution”, with the participation of the related public institutions, trainings, workshops, conferences and study visits had been organized and various brochures and Glossary of Terms for Social Security Coordination in the European Union and Handbook for Social Security Legislation in the European Union has been prepared.

Technical Assistance Project “Capacity Building on European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)” was launched in October 2014 and completed in March 2015. The Project aimed to increase the capacities of Social Security Institution, together with orher relevant institutions and stakeholders regarding the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).

Related DG in the European Commission

DG Employment, Social Affairs, Skills & Labour Mobility is responsible for the free movement of workers in the EU.

For further information:



Related Projects

Project Year/No

Project Title



TR 2007.02.22



Project for Capacity Building of Social Security Institution


Social Secuirty Institution








Updated: 15/11/2022 / Hit: 78,902