Updated: 15/11/2022

29) Customs Union

Content of Chapter

The Customs Union Chapter consists of legislation with respect to the effective functioning of the customs territory of the European Union including the control and protection of Union borders during the entry and exit of goods. The main body of legislation in this Chapter is Union Customs Code and its implementing legislation. Türkiye’s obligations under the customs union chapter stem from Decision No 1/95 of Association Council establishing the Customs Union between Türkiye and European Union.

For Customs Union Chapter, explanatory screening meeting was held on 16-20 January 2006, bilateral screening meeting was held on 13-14 March 2006.

In addition to the benchmark regarding the Additional Protocol, 1 opening benchmark is notified for the opening of the negotiations.

Progress Achieved

The number of documents annexed to the customs declaration were reduced with the amendment of Customs By-Law. In addition to this national legislation concerning pre-arrival and pre-departure declarations has been aligned with the EU legislation.

 “By-law on the Simplification of Customs Transactions” was published in the Official Gazette on 10 January 2013 and entered into force. In order to extend the use of local clearance to import transactions, this By-Law was revised.

The texts of the "Convention on a Common Transit Procedure" and the "Convention on the Simplification of Formalities in Trade in Goods" were published in the Official Gazette on 4 October 2012.

As regards Single Window System, e-document guide for the economic operators has been published on the website of the Ministry of Customs and Trade. Studies regarding the new Draft Customs Law with a view to ensuring further alignment with the Union Custom Code are underway.

Agreement for Türkiye’s participation to Customs 2020 Programme has been signed on 16 July 2014. With this Memorandum Turkish Customs Administration will continue to actively participate in the meetings and project groups within the scope of the Programme for the next 7 years.

Related DG in the European Commission

Customs Union related issues are under the responsibility of DG Taxation and Customs of the European Commision.

For further information:



Related Projects

Proje Year/No

Project Title



TR 2003.03.01

Modernization of Customs Administration I

Undersecretariat of Customs


TR 2004.03.01

Modernization of Customs Administration II

Undersecretariat of Customs


TR 2006.03.07

Modernization of Customs Administration III

Undersecretariat of Customs


TR 2007.02.03

Modernization of Customs Administration IV

Undersecretariat of Customs


TR 2008.02.20

Modernization of Customs Administration V

Undersecretariat of Customs


TR 2009/0329.01

Modernization of Customs Administration VI(enforcement)

Undersecretariat of Customs


TR 2009/0329.02

Modernization of Customs Administration VI(risk analysis)

Undersecretariat of Customs



Modernization of Customs Administration VII

Undersecretariat of Customs



Modernization of Customs Administration VIII

Ministry of Customs and Trade



Updated: 15/11/2022 / Hit: 58,385