Updated: 16/01/2024

Translation Coordination Activities

Remaining committted to multilingualism since its foundation, the EU currently has 24 official languages which enjoy equal legal status. The EUR-Lex service (http://eur-lex.europa.eu), which provides access to EU law, covers those 24 languages and the Official Journal of the European Union is published in all official languages.  Upon Türkiye's accession to the EU, Turkish will become an official EU language.  Therefore, besides alignment with the EU acquis in the EU accession process, Türkiye will also need to produce translations of the acquis into Turkish in good time before accession, as set forth by the Negotiating Framework for Türkiye of 3 October 2005. With a constantly evolving dynamic nature, the EU acquis comprises the founding Treaties, secondary legislation adopted pursuant thereto and the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union. In addition, all legally binding or non-binding acts and documents adopted in the EU framework such as the interinstitutional agreements, resolutions, notifications, recommendations or guidelines are covered by the acquis.  Furthermore, international agreements concluded by the EU or both by the EU and Member States, as well as international agreements concluded between Member States regarding the Union's activities are also a part of the EU acquis.

During Türkiye's accession negotiations, completed translations of the EU acquis will be stored in the CC Vista database created by the TAIEX Office of the European Commission.

Within the framework of Türkiye's obligation to translate the EU acquis into Turkish, the work is on-going with regard to the translation of the EU legislation and updating the information on the translations of the EU legislation available in the Directorate for EU Affairs and the relevant institutions, in order to provide a basis for technical, linguistic and legal revision of the already translated legislation

In this scope, click here for the most recent inventory list indicating the EU legislation translations available in the Directorate for EU Affairs.

Accordingly, for the purpose of avoiding possible duplications, it would be appropriate that public institutions and organizations take into consideration the indicated list when outsourcing their translations.

Updated: 16/01/2024 / Hit: 117,656