Updated: 07/01/2025

*Grant Scheme Programme for Promotion of the Civil Society Dialogue Between the EU and Türkiye

 Grant Scheme Programme for Promotion of the Civil Society Dialogue Between the EU and Türkiye 

Türkiye has a history of close political and economic ties with the European institutions dating back to the signature of an Association Agreement in 1963, which subsequently led to the establishment of a Customs Union in 1995. Close bilateral interaction, at institutional but also at grassroots level, has taken place since the early sixties and has intensified since the official recognition of Türkiye as a candidate country in 1999. Since then, national and European institutions have developed a number of bilateral activities with Türkiye which fall under the scope of the civil society dialogue.

  Promoting Civil Society Dialogue

In June 2005, the Commission adopted a communication on the civil society dialogue between the EU and Candidate Countries. This should help to promote dialogue between civil society, in a broad sense, in the EU and Türkiye, in order to address issues and concerns relating to enlargement.

The 2006 Pre-accession Assistance Programme for Türkiye included a project titled: Promotion of the Civil Society Dialogue between European Union and Türkiye (CSD - I). It provided the implementation of four Grant Schemes aiming at intensifying and diversifying the contacts between "Towns and Municipalities", "Professional Organizations", "Universities" and "Youth" under "Youth Initiatives for Dialogue". The Grant Schemes were to address issues that would contribute to better informing the public opinions from the EU and candidate countries.

Türkiye had been receiving pre-accession assistance from the EU since 2001. As from 2007, this pre-accession Financial Instrument for Türkiye has been replaced by the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) which provides pre-accession assistance for both candidate and potential candidate countries. The aim of IPA assistance to Türkiye is to support the EU pre-accession strategy adopted in the conclusions of the European Council of December 2004, and corresponds to three objectives: progress towards fully meeting the Copenhagen political criteria, adoption and implementation of the acquis communautaire, and promotion of an EU-Türkiye Civil Society Dialogue.

As a continuation of the above mentioned project of Promotion of the Civil Society Dialogue between European Union and Türkiye, the project titled: Promotion of the Civil Society Dialogue between European Union and Türkiye-II (CSD - II) is included in 2007 Programming under IPA. The overall objective of this Project is to ensure a better knowledge and understanding of Türkiye within the European Union, including the values on which it is founded, its functioning and policies as well as Turkish history and culture, thus allowing for a better awareness of the opportunities and challenges of future enlargement.

The Project provides the implementation of three Grant Schemes amounting to 4.2 Million Euros and aiming at establishing a framework for cooperation; supporting the establishment of partnerships; and promoting dialogue between the civil societies of Turkish and EU counterparts on Culture and Arts; Fisheries and Agriculture. The Project also aims to provide financial assistance to small, grassroots NGOs through small-scale projects all over Türkiye via Micro Grant Schemes.

Updated: 07/01/2025 / Hit: 81,776