Updated: 01/06/2020

EaSI Call for Proposal: Information and training measures for workers' organisations

Within the scope of EaSI Programme, the Call for Proposal on Information and training measures for workers' organisations was launched. The call aims at strengthening the capacity of workers' organisations to address, at EU/transnational level, challenges related to changes in employment and work and social dialogue such as:

- modernisation of the labour market, job creation and job matching, employment in SMEs;

- new forms of work;

- quality of work, anticipation, preparation and management of change and restructuring;

- digitalisation of the economy and society including artificial intelligence;

- the greening of the economy, sustainability, transition to a climate-neutral economy;

- flexicurity, skills;

- intra-EU labour mobility, migration, youth employment, health and safety at work, modernisation of social protection systems;

- reconciliation of work and family life, gender equality, action in the field of anti-discrimination, active ageing, healthier and longer working lives, active inclusion and decent work.

The total budget earmarked for the EU co-financing of projects under this call is estimated at EUR 5.528.435. The EU grant requested should indicatively be between EUR 150 000 and EUR 500 000. The Commission reserves the right not to distribute all the funds available. The Commission reserves the right to increase the amount of the funds and distribute them to proposals admitted in the reserve list, if available. This top-up is limited to 20% of the initial budget of the call.

Single applicants, lead applicants, co-applicants and affiliated entities must be legal entities. In application of Article 197.2.c) of the Financial Regulation, social partner organisations without legal personality are also eligible provided that the conditions of the Financial Regulation related are met. 

Deadline for submitting proposals is 6 May 2020. 

For more information: https://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=629&langId=en&callId=583&furtherCalls=yes

Updated: 01/06/2020 / Hit: 4,979