Updated: 01/06/2020

Call for proposal ‘Improving expertise in the field of industrial relations (VP2020/04)’ under EaSI Programme has been announced.

Call for proposal ‘Improving expertise in the field of industrial relations (VP2020/04)’  under EaSI Programme has been announced.

The overarching objective of this call is to improve expertise and knowledge on industrial relations through analysis and research, at EU level as well as in comparative terms (identifying convergences and differences in the industrial relations systems in place in the EU Member States and in Candidate Countries), thereby contributing to developing and reinforcing quality and effectiveness of industrial relations structures and processes in the Member States and in Europe as a whole.

Actions that address the following themes will be particularly welcome:

  • The role and contribution of industrial relations, including social dialogue at different levels
    • in responding to the major challenges and in seizing the opportunities related to the transition to a climate-neutral and digital economy, including artificial intelligence, as well as globalisation, demographic ageing and technological change;
    • to addressing the employment, social and economic challenges as identified in the European Pillar of Social Rights;
    • in the context of the European Semester and Economic and Monetary Union;
    • to reaching economic and social outcomes in terms of: economic growth and competitiveness; social inclusion and fairness; job creation, job retention and job quality;
    • to tackling the employment, social and economic consequences of the coronavirus crisis.
  • Functioning and effects of coordination of collective bargaining across different levels and territories, including the role of collective bargaining systems in ensuring fair minimum wages for all workers in the European Union.

Deadline for submitting applications: 15 July 2020


The total budget earmarked for the EU co-financing of projects under this call is estimated at EUR 4.150.389. The EU grant requested should indicatively be between EUR 150.000 and EUR 500.000

Under this call for proposals, the EU grant may not exceed 90% of the total eligible costs of the action.

Eligibility of the applicants

  1. Place of establishment

Legal entities properly established and registered in the following countries are eligible as single applicants or lead applicants:

  •   EU Member States.

Legal entities properly established and registered in the following countries are eligible as co-applicants, affiliated entities or associate organisations:

  • EU Member States;
  • Candidate Countries: Albania, Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia and Türkiye.

In derogation from these requirements, international organisations whose registered headquarters are outside the eligible countries are also eligible.

  1. Types of entities

Single applicants, lead applicants, co-applicants and affiliated entities must be legal entities. In application of Article 197 2. (c) of the Financial Regulation, social partner organisations without legal personality are also eligible provided that the conditions of the Financial Regulation related thereto are met

  1. Single applicants or consortia

c1) Single applicants

The single applicant must be an international organisation.

c2) Consortia

- Actions may involve consortia.

- To be eligible as consortium, actions must include a lead applicant and at least one co-applicant. - Lead, co-applicant, affiliated entities and associate organisations must fall within one of the following categories: non-profit-making organisations such as universities and research institutes; social partners; public authorities; international organisations, European-level organisations.

- The consortium must be composed of at least one non-profit-making university or research institute as lead or co-applicant. This requirement is not applicable if the lead applicant is an international organisation.

- If the lead applicant is not a European-level or international organisation, it must be in a consortium with at least one organisation (co-applicant) from a different eligible country to that of the lead applicant.

- Affiliated entities and associate organisations are eligible for consortia.

Deadline for submitting proposals: 15 July 2020

All enquiries must be made by e-mail only to: empl-vp-industrial-relations@ec.europa.eu

For technical problems please contact: empl-swim-support@ec.europa.eu

Further information: https://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=629&langId=en&callId=598&furtherCalls=yes


Updated: 01/06/2020 / Hit: 4,815