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Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs, Ambassador Mehmet Kemal Bozay participated in Information Event on Supports under Erasmus + 2025 Centralized Actions
Information Event on Supports under Erasmus + 2025 Centralized Actions was held on January 22, 2025 with the participation of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs, Ambassador Mehmet Kemal Bozay, Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports Atty. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Safa Koçoğlu and Director of the Turkish National Agency İlker Astarcı.
In his opening speech Ambassador Bozay, emphasized the importance of supports in the field of sports within the framework of Europe’s sports agenda and encouraged participants to apply for the centralized sports calls.
Director Astarcı stated that in the sports projects that have been implemented on European scale since 2014, institutions and organizations from our country have been involved as coordinators in 88 projects of different types and as partners in 289 projects.
Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports Atty. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Safa Koçoğlu highlighted the increase in the number of Erasmus+ sport projects and the importance the Ministry attaches to the continuation of cooperation in the field of sport.
At the event where information about Erasmus+ centralized sports opportunities and application processes was shared, examples of sports projects carried out in our country were also presented. Approximately 120 representatives from sports federations operating in the field of sports attended the meeting.
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