Updated: 05/12/2022

Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

Monitors and coordinates the efforts undertaken by public institutions and organizations for alignment with the EU acquis on the following topics: "Agriculture and Rural Development", "Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary Policy" and "Fisheries"

Furthermore, concerning issues within its purview;
a) Ensures the preparation of all necessary documents related with the negotiation process.
b) Carries out the secretariat work of boards, committees and working groups, and monitors the implementation of decisions taken therein.
c) In cooperation with the related institutions and organizations, contributes to the identification of technical, administrative and financial capacity requirements needed for legislative alignment and effective implementation of the EU acquis; assists the programming process of activities and their development into project ideas in order to meet these requirements, contributes to the evaluation and monitoring of activities carried out to this end.
d) Contributes to the preparation, monitoring the implementation and reporting of the National Programme for the Adaption of Acquis in cooperation with the related institutions and organizations,
e) Evaluates and delivers its opinion on the draft legislation drawn up by public institutions and organizations in terms of compliance with the EU's acquis and terminology.

Updated: 05/12/2022 / Hit: 6,632