Updated: 04/11/2024


On June 24, 2023, the “Presidential Circular No. 2023/11 on the Management of Pre-Accession Funds Provided by the EU and Participation in EU Programmes” was published, establishing the Board of EU Programmes and Agencies. This board, chaired by the Director for EU Affairs and composed of senior executives from relevant institutions, was created to oversee matters related to programs and agencies.

During the meeting of the Board of EU Programmes and Agencies on October 27, 2020, it was decided that Türkiye will participate in the Horizon Europe, Erasmus+, European Solidarity Corps, Customs, EU Civil Protection Mechanism, Creative Europe, and Fiscalis programmes for the 2021-2027 period.

In the Board meeting held on April 15, 2021, it was decided to convey Türkiye's intention to participate in the EU4Health, Digital Europe, LIFE (Environment and Climate Action), InvestEU, Single Market, and EU Space programmes to the European Union for the 2021-2027 period, and to initiate negotiations in the ongoing process.

In line with these decisions, letters of intent for participation in the mentioned 13 programmes were sent to the relevant directorates-general of the European Commission. Below is the table detailing the participation agreements and their dates:

The European Commission has not initiated participation negotiations for the EU Space Programme, and following evaluations, it was decided not to join the LIFE, EU4Health, Fiscalis, Creative Europe, and InvestEU programmes at this stage.

Turkey’s continuous participation in the European Environment Agency and the European Drugs Agency remains uninterrupted, with no need for agreement renewal.

Updated: 04/11/2024 / Hit: 11,618