Updated: 15/12/2022

The Sectoral Monitoring Committee Meeting of the IPA II Fundamental Rights Sub-Field & Civil Society Sub-Sector Held

The joint Sectoral Monitoring Committee Meeting on the IPA II Fundamental Rights Sub-Field and Civil Society Sub-Sector was co-chaired by  Çağrı Çakır, Head of Department for Political Affairs, Directorate for EU Affairs and Andrè Lys, Head of the Cooperation Unit, the EU Delegation to Turkey. The meeting was attended by the National IPA Coordinator (NIPAC), the Central Finance and Contracts Unit, the National Authorising Officer and Audit Authority, beneficiary institutions and civil society organizations.

Recent developments and the state of play regarding implementation of projects were shared with SMC members; and the indicators and achievements of the projects were discussed.


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Updated: 15/12/2022 / Hit: 2,086