Updated: 04/06/2024

Financial Cooperation Coordination Board 13. Meeting held

The Financial Cooperation Coordination Board meeting was held on 4 June 2024 at the premises of the Directorate for EU Affairs. The meeting was chaired by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs, National IPA (Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance) Coordinator Ambassador Mehmet Kemal Bozay with the participation of Deputy Minister of Treasury and Finance and National Authorising Officer Osman Çelik and Deputy Ministers and senior officials of our relevant Ministries and Institutions.

At the meeting, information was given and views were exchanged regarding the issues on the current situation, programming, implementation and monitoring, entrustment of budget implementation tasks and institutional building processes within the scope of the IPA II period (2014-2020) and III period (2021-2027).

The Financial Cooperation Coordination Board meets periodically in order to reach decisions with a view to ensuring an efficient, timely and targeted utilisation of the EU funds within the context of the IPA. The Board serves also as an effective platform where Institutions involved in IPA processes are informed about the recent developments in the financial cooperation between Türkiye and the EU.

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Updated: 04/06/2024 / Hit: 1,472