Updated: 14/01/2020

“Each Result is A New Beginning” event held in Ankara

The Event “Each Result is A New Beginning” was launched by the opening speeches of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı, the Head of the EU Delegation to Türkiye, Ambassador Christian Berger, and the Director of the Central Finance and Contracts Unit, Dr. Hakan Ertürk.

With the third phase of ROM project, it is aimed to carry out monitoring exercises based on the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of the projects being implemented in various fields including environment, energy, regional development, rural development, civil society, democracy and governance through IPA funds.

Following the opening speeches, Minister Counsellor Andre Etienne Lys, Head of Cooperation in the EU Delegation to Türkiye made a presentation on “EU Best Practices in Project Design and Implementation, which is followed by a session titled “Each Result is a New Beginning”. Focused on national and global trends in impact analysis, sustainability, and communication, the session was moderated by Bülent ÖZCAN, the Director General for Financial Cooperation and Project Implementation in the Directorate for EU Affairs. The event was finalised with a workshop entitled “Ready for IPA III” where representatives of 16 IPA beneficiary ministries discussed the topics related with impact, sustainability and communication in IPA projects.

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Updated: 14/01/2020 / Hit: 7,484