Updated: 09/11/2021

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Director for EU Affairs Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı Attended the Opening Ceremony of “A Common Challenge-Two Different Cultural Perspectives”

The Opening Ceremony of “A Common Challenge-Two Different Cultural Perspectives” supported under the Sixth Phase of the Civil Society Dialogue between Türkiye was held on November 8, 2021 in Ankara.

Event started with the opening speeches of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Director for EU Affairs, Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı; Deputy Minister of Health Doç. Dr. Tolga Tolunay; Head of the EU Delegation to Türkiye Ambassador Nikolaus Meyer-Landrut. and went on with project presentation and panel session.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Director for EU Affairs, Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı stated the importance of collaboration created within project, which focuses on aging and elderly care; and underlined that further projects on these themes can be developed within other EU opportunities, such as Erasmus+ and Horizon Europe Programme.

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Updated: 09/11/2021 / Hit: 3,682