Updated: 26/07/2022

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Director for EU Affairs Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı Attended the Closing Conference of ''A Common Challenge-Two Different Cultural Perspectives''

The Closing Conferance of “A Common Challenge-Two Different Cultural Perspectives” supported under the Sixth Phase of the Civil Society Dialogue between Türkiye was held on July 26, 2022 in Ankara. The event started with the opening speeches of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Director for EU Affairs, Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı and went on with mini photograph exhibition and panel sessions.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Director for EU Affairs, Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı stated that as Europe’s ageing population and elderly care were our common challenge, focusing on this phenomenon with different cultural perspectives brought societies together and supported Türkiye-EU civil society dialogue.


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Updated: 26/07/2022 / Hit: 5,692