Updated: 07/06/2023

Cross-border Cooperation Programmes Promotional Event and Project Cycle Training held in Edirne

Promotional event and project cycle training for Cross-border Cooperation Programmes took place on June 6, 2023, in Edirne, hosted by Trakya University.

The event, organized with the participation of representatives from Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Trakya University, Kırklareli University, Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University and Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University, started with opening speeches by the Rector of Trakya University, Prof. Dr. Erhan Tabakoğlu and Mr. Bülent Özcan, the General Director of Cooperation and Project Implementation of the Directorate for European Union Affairs.

In the event, project cycle training was conducted for the representatives from the universities' project offices, following the programme presentations made by experts from the Directorate for European Union Affairs.

Please click here for the event presentations. 

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Updated: 07/06/2023 / Hit: 2,110