Updated: 28/12/2017

“Controllers” Will be Hired within the Scope of Cross-Border Cooperation Programmes

Introduction and Background:

Türkiye participates in two cross-border cooperation programmes (CBC) namely “ENI Black-Sea Basin CBC Programme” and “Interreg-IPA Bulgaria-Türkiye CBC Programme”. Ministry for European Union Affairs is the National Authority of the CBC Programmes.

Programme Management and Expenditure Verification:

A total of 8 countries are participating in the “ENI Black-Sea Basin CBC Programme”, including Türkiye. The Managing Authority (MA) of the Programme is “Romanian Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds”. The Program is implemented by “Republic of Türkiye Ministry for EU Affairs” as National Authority (NA) on behalf of our country.

“Interreg-IPA Bulgaria-Türkiye CBC Programme” is a bilateral programme between Türkiye and Bulgaria. The Managing Authority (MA) of the Programme is “The Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works of the Republic of Bulgaria”. The Program is implemented by “Republic of Türkiye Ministry for EU Affairs” as National Authority (NA) on behalf of our country.

Projects are implemented under these Programmes with EU and national contribution according to the Programme priorities. The beneficiaries declare various expenditures in line with their activities in the context of these projects, which are both multinational and with multiple partnerships. Every country designates “controllers”, responsible for verifying the legality and regularity of the expenditure declared by each beneficiary participating in the operation.   

In “ENI Black Sea Basin CBC Programme”, each participating country has appointed a Control Contact Point (CCP) to support the MA in its control of the programme obligations. In Türkiye “Monitoring and Evaluation Unit in the Financial Cooperation Directorate of the Ministry for EU Affairs” is responsible for expenditure verification which shall be carried out by externally hired independent controllers.

In “Interreg-IPA Bulgaria Türkiye CBC Programme” National Authority (NA), Republic of Türkiye Ministry for EU Affairs sets up the First Level Control (FLC) system, signs contracts with controllers, appoints the controllers and is responsible for ensuring the quality of the First Level Control system as a whole.

The controllers are responsible for performing control of the project expenditures. In this text, the definition of “control” refers to the control made by the controller verifying the eligibility of expenditure of the operation, the actual delivery of products and services and that national and EU rules have been respected. The result of the control is verification of expenditure, declared by the project partners taking part in the operation.

Job Description:

“Controllers” will be hired within the scope of the respective Programmes. The designated “controllers” are expected to verify the expenditures of the projects under the Programmes based on the legality and regularity of the expenditure declared.

Please click here to read the detailed job description.


The applications shall be made by sending the documents listed below via e-mail to ccp@ab.gov.tr specifying the position applied both in the subject line and in the e-mail, until 19 January 2018. A confirmation e-mail will be sent after successful reception of the applications.

If you will not receive a confirmation e-mail, we recommend you to send your application to iozgur@ab.gov.tr.

The documents requested for applications are listed as:

  • CV (in the format given)
  • copy of diploma,
  • copy of a certificate showing linguistic capacity
  • copy of document/s providing information on the relevant professional experience (a record of service or reference letters)

Depending on the initial evaluation on the CV’s of the applicants submitting all the required documents, those considered to fulfill the requirements listed on the job description may be invited for the interview to be held in the Ministry for European Union Affairs premises.

Please click here to read the job description notice.

Please click here for the CV template.

Updated: 28/12/2017 / Hit: 12,767