Updated: 21/05/2024

EGD & Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA)

The EU's Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) funds provide an important resource to support Türkiye's green transition projects. Under IPA III covering the period 2021-2027, the amount of funds allocated to green transition-related projects continues to increase. These funds play a critical role in accelerating Türkiye's transition to a sustainable economy.

Many topics that fall under the scope of green and digital transition under different sectors are also among the priorities of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA).

In the 2014-2020 period of IPA, 39 different Green transition related projects have been implemented and continue to be implemented in the Environment and Climate, Transport, Competitiveness and Innovation, Agriculture and Rural Development and Energy sectors.

A total of approximately €150 million of EU funds have been allocated to these projects.

IPA III period will promote the green agenda by reinforcing environmental protection, contributing to mitigation, increasing resilience to climate change, accelerating the shift towards a low-carbon and circular economy and develop the digital economy and society.

In this regard, within the IPA III (2021 - 2027) period, the project packages for 2021 and 2022, which have entered the implementation phase, include 20 projects linked to the Green Deal in the Environment and Climate Change, Transport, Private Sector Development and Energy sectors. The EU contribution to these projects amounts to €117 million.

Within the scope of digital transition, IPA priorities include digitalisation of the economy, businesses and public services, supporting e-government, e-procurement and e-health services, closing the digital divide between urban and rural areas, supporting smart and safe transport systems and efficient agricultural systems supported by digital technologies.

Digitalisation has been mainstreamed in all IPA sectors and projects based on digital transition can be supported from each sector.


In this context, 21 and 4 projects are supported in the IPA II and IPA III periods, respectively. Approximately 186.5 million EUR in the IPA II period and 14.5 million EUR in the IPA III period are transferred to projects related to digital transition.

Looking at the sectoral distribution of these projects, it is seen that Agriculture and Rural Development, Competitiveness and Innovation, Environment and Climate, Education and  Employment and Transport sectors stand out in terms of funding size.

Green and digital transition will continue to be among the main priorities of IPA in the following years.

IPA II - European Green Deal Related Projects

IPA III - European Green Deal Related Projects


Updated: 21/05/2024 / Hit: 2,951