Updated: 20/05/2021

Briefing On The New Interreg Regulation Was Held Online

As the National Authority of the Cross-border Cooperation Programmes, Directorate for EU Affairs coordinates the preparations for the new period of the Bulgaria-Türkiye and Black Sea Basin Cross-border Cooperation Programmes, which Türkiye has already been part of, and continues its efforts for participation in the Interreg NEXT MED Programme.

The draft Interreg Regulation, which includes the new rules that Cross-border Cooperation Programmes will be subject to in the 2021-2027 period, is currently being prepared by the EU, and the new rules in the draft regulation are expected to bring some considerable changes that will affect the roles of the Programme’s management authorities and National Authorities. 

In this context, TESIM, with the cooperation of the European Commission’s Directorate General of Regional and Urban Policies (DG REGIO), provided an online information session for the authorities in Türkiye, which have roles in CBC Programmes.

In the briefing, the main strategic features of the Cohesion Policy, new legal framework Program governance and financial management in the new period were introduced and the questions from the relevant authorities in Türkiye were answered by the representatives of TESIM and European Commision.


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Updated: 20/05/2021 / Hit: 4,563