Updated: 22/08/2024


EU programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises 




COSME is the EU programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) running from 2014 to 2020 with a budget of €2.3bn. 

COSME supports SMEs in the following areas:
• Facilitating access to finance
• Supporting internationalisation and access to markets
• Creating an environment favourable to competitiveness
• Encouraging an entrepreneurial culture



One of COSME’s main objectives is to provide enhanced access to finance for SMEs in different phases of their lifecycle: creation, expansion or business transfer. for this purpose, the Cosme mobilises loans and equity investments for SMEs.


COSME provides support to European enterprises so that they can benefit from the EU’s single market and make the most of opportunities offered by markets outside the EU.

COSME funds the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) consisting of over 600 offices in more than 50 countries helping SMEs find business and technology partners, understand EU legislation and access EU financing.


COSME supports actions to improve the framework conditions in which enterprises operate, in particular SMEs, by reducing unnecessary administrative and regulatory burdens. Such actions include measuring the impact of relevant Union law on SMEs, developing smart and business friendly regulative environment for SMEs and reinforcing the use of the “Think Small First” of The European Small Business Act principle for policy making. 


COSME backs the implementation of the Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan through a wide range of activities. These include mobility activites, research, best practices exchanges and pilot projects in areas such as entrepreneurship education, mentoring or the development of guidance and support services for new entrepreneurs, including young, women and senior entrepreneurs.

For the purpose of ensuring mobility of young entrepreneurs, "Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs" is formed which is a cross-border exchange scheme aiming to help new and aspiring entrepreneurs acquire relevant skills to run and grow a business by working with an experienced entrepreneur in another country for one to six months. It increases their know-how and fosters cross-border transfer of knowledge and experience between entrepreneurs.

Updated: 22/08/2024 / Hit: 53,930