Updated: 30/10/2012

"Special Provincial Administrations Preparing For The EU” Project Study Visit

A study visit to EU İnstitutions is held on 28 October 2012  with the participation of the Committee Members of the Union of Provincial Services, Governorate of Malatya Vasip ŞAHİN, Governorate of Çankırı Vahdettin ÖZCAN, President of the Yozgat Provincial Assembly Ayhan CAN, Member of the Trabzon Provincial Assembly Halim KAYA, Member of the İstanbul Provincial Assembly Fahri BİÇER, Member of the Aksaray Provincial Assembly Celalettin KILIÇ, Member of the Kars Provincial Assembly Mehmet DEMİR, Director of the Project İmplementation Directorate Bülent ÖZCAN and Coordinator of the Project İmplementation Directorate Hilal YILDIR within the framework of the “Special Provincial Administrations Preparing For The EU” Project entered into force with the signature of the cooperation protocol between Ministry of İnteriors, Ministry for EU Affairs and Union of Provincial Services.

The Delegation composed of the Committee members of the Union of Provincial Services participated the 23. Rd Session of the Congres of Local and Regional Authorities on 16 October.  EU Parlement, Council of European Municipalities and Regions, Committee of Regions will be visited on 17 and 18 October.

“Special Provincial Administrations Preparing For The EU” project aims to strengthen adminisntrative capacity and increase awareness of the Special Provincial Administrations on EU related issues.

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Updated: 30/10/2012 / Hit: 21,943