Updated: 11/12/2017

Christmas Message of Minister for European Union Affairs and Chief Negotiator Ömer Çelik

Religious and national holidays are occasions in which feelings of love, respect, tolerance and brotherhood are rejuvenated and that endow us with the strength to  look to the future with confidence. 

In this regard, I congratulate the Christmas of the entire Christian World and I wish that the Christmas will be an occasion for the goodness of mankind, particularly at a time when the world is stricken by terror and violence. 

Regardless of ethnic origin, language, faith and political opinion, each one of our citizens is an essential part of the of the Republic of Türkiye. 

This understanding that has been nourished from the unifying spirit of Anatolia, which has been a cradle for different cultures and civilizations, is the most beautiful manifestation of the will of our people to live together. I would like to emphasize that no one will be able to break up this union, nor shall any one harm this solidarity.

I also hope for an atmosphere of tolerance jointly built by the people of  different religions and cultures enabling them to live together in peace and harmony, as it had been in the past, across the Middle East.

With these feelings and thoughts, once again I would like to wish  our Christian citizens with whom we have been living together for centuries, our foreign guests visiting our country during this festive season and the whole Christian World a merry Christmas.         

Updated: 11/12/2017 / Hit: 7,735