Updated: 09/12/2020

Turkey-EU Subcommittee No: 2 meeting was held online

Subcommittee meeting

Türkiye-EU Subcommittee No:2 on Internal Market and Competition meeting was held online on 9 December 2020, co-chaired by, Director General for Relations with the EU Ambassador Başak Türkoğlu and Türkiye Head of Unit, Directorate General for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations of the EU Commission, Bernard Brunet, with the participation of representatives of related ministries and institutions.

During the meeting, latest progress regarding Competition Policy, Public Procurement, Company Law, Right of Establishment and Freedom to Provide Services, Consumer and Health Protection and Intellectual Property Law Chapters were discussed bilaterally with a focus on legal alignment, administrative capacity and enforcement.


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Updated: 09/12/2020 / Hit: 5,292