Updated: 08/07/2014

In Accordance with the Montreal Protocol Customs and Enforcement Officers From Türkiye Have Been Awarded “Ozone Protection Medals”

Customs and enforcement officers from Türkiye, Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, China, Greek Administration of Southern Cyprus, European Union, Georgia, Germany, India, Israel, Kyrgyzstan, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Tajikistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan have been awarded the prestigious ozone protection medals by the United Nations Environment Programme in recognition of their strong commitment to address illegal trade in ozone-depleting substances. “The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete Ozone Layer” which was acceded by Türkiye in 1991, aims to control the production and consumption of ozone depleting substances. Türkiye continues to implement the Montreal Protocol which is a part of the European Union’s environment acquis successfully. For further information please click here.                                        

Updated: 08/07/2014 / Hit: 19,030