Updated: 23/01/2017

Erasmus+ Referee Training Project Final Conference

Erasmus+ Referee Training Project Final Conference

Mr. Ahmet Yücel, Acting Undersecretary of Ministry of EU Affairs and Mr. Mesut Kamiloğlu, Director of Turkish National Agency has attended the final conference of the project titled “Creating A More Effective Referee Education and Training System” on 21 January 2017 at Istanbul. The project is deaded by the Turkish, Italian, German and French Basketball Federations and supported under the Erasmus+ Programme KA2 Strategic Partnerships Vocational Education component.

Mr. Yücel stated that this project leaded by the Turkish Basketball Federation became a good model for building cooperation between Türkiye and the EU countries. He also emphasized the results of this project will serve to the better understanding, strengthening of friendship and creation of cooperation culture, also to the efficient training of the referees. 

The project aims at creating effective, sustainable, quality referee education system through building a solid curriculum and component trainers. Through this project a Basketball Referee Training Manual has been prepared and 10 people have been trained at 10 regions from 81 provinces.

Erasmus+ Programme, EU’s main support in the area of education, youth and sport, is a crucial implementation tool for the Chapter No. 26 on Education and Culture that will be opened to negotiations in the coming period. Türkiye has been participating to EU programmes on education and youth since 2004.

For further information on Erasmus+ Programme

Turkish National Agency

For further information on Chapter 26: Education and Culture

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Updated: 23/01/2017 / Hit: 5,324