Updated: 20/10/2011

The Sixth Regional Seminar of "Turkish Local Media on the EU Path Project" Was Held in Ordu

The sixth regional information seminar was held in Ordu on October 19-20, 2011 within the framework of "Turkish Local Media on the EU Path Project". The information seminar series will be held in ten different regions of Türkiye.

In the two day lasting seminar, the members of local media from Ordu, Giresun, Kastamonu, Samsun and Sinop were trained about Türkiye's EU accession process, effects of accession on our daily lives and grants and projects directed towards media. At the end of the seminar, lots were casted to determine the participant to attend the study visit to Brussels and London that will be organized at the end of the seminar series.

The project, run jointly by the Ministry for EU Affairs and the British Embassy aims at equipping members of local press with accurate and reliable information on the EU and Türkiye-EU relations.


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Updated: 20/10/2011 / Hit: 9,545