Updated: 07/05/2018

Minister for EU Affairs Ömer Çelik evaluated the statements made by 300 French politicians and writers

Minister for EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator Ömer Çelik evaluated over his twitter account the demand of 300 French politicians and writers, including the former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, to remove some of the verses in the Holy Qur’an on the grounds that these verses spread “violence and anti-Semitism”.

Minister for EU Affairs Ömer Çelik responded, over his twitter account, to the demand of 300 French politicians and writers, including the former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, to remove some of the verses in the Holy Qur’an on the grounds that these verses spread “violence and anti-Semitism”.

Minister for EU Affairs Ömer Çelik said: “This is a most striking example of intellectual violence and barbarism. Whoever they are and whatever they have been standing for so far, they will be first in line in the history of fanaticism. Barbarism now takes its place at the centre of the modern world with intellectual and political titles.”

Minister Ömer Çelik, who stated that these people have signed on to an ideological affinity with Da’esh with this “barbaric and unethical” demand, said: “They could only have demonstrated their close ideological affinity with Da’esh in this way. However, this approach, which can only be the subject of political psychiatry, reveals the kind of barbarism arising in the heart of Europe and how this mentality, which is just as dangerous as Da’esh, hides behind certain concepts.”   

Minister of EU Affairs Ömer Çelik, who stated that it was easy to identify the “explicit relatives of Da’esh, said “It is the ones in such intellectual and political disguises that are really dangerous. This is a mentality that appears to be against violence but in reality is fanatical and worships violence. These 300 French politicians and writers are no different from Da’esh, which derives anti-human fanaticism and violence from the Holy Qur’an, which is actually a guide to humanism.”


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Updated: 07/05/2018 / Hit: 14,349